Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Contrast Podcast CD Swap

Whooo hooo! the CD swap episode is up. Ever wondered what some of the contributors to Contrast Podcast look like? what they listen to? What they think other pod casters should listen to? Well, then...

Contrast Podcast #72: CD Swap

I stole Tim's html for this post. Ross from Just Gimme Indie Rock came up with the awesome idea.

Ross from Just gimme indie rock
who got his CD from FiL from Pogoagogo


SAS Radio
who got his CD from Cindy from Adzuki Bean Stash


Colin from And before the first kiss
who got his CD from Marcy from Lost in your inbox


Crash from Pretending life is like a song
who got his CD from Natalie from Mini-obs


Tim from The face of today
who got his CD from ZB from So the wind …


Chip from Atomic Ned
who got his CD from Jim from Quick before it melts


Liz from The Roaring Machine
who got her CD from SAS Radio


Coxon from To die by your side
who didn’t get his CD from Chip from Atomic Ned


Cindy from Adzuki Bean Stash
who got her CD from Tim from The face of today


Jim from Quick before it melts
who got his CD from Crash from Pretending life is like a song


ZB from So the wind …
who got his CD from Colin from And before the first kiss


Natalie from Mini-obs
who got her CD from Coxon from To die by your side


Marcy from Lost in your inbox
who got her CD from Ross from Just gimme indie rock


FiL from Pogoagogo
who got his CD from Liz from The Roaring Machine




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha, those pics are great, you look SO excited in your pici !!
Cool stuff, rock on !!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, it looks like I downed one too many Frappucinos wouldn't you say?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indeed, your glee is palpable!

Thursday, August 16, 2007  

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