Monday, August 14, 2006

just reload the fucking page

I got a frantic e-mail from a co-worker today. I'm convinced she did it just to irritate me. Either that or its one of her bizaree forms of flirtation. I've told her counteless times I'm not working on this system, yet she continues to address the problems to me while CCing the person in charge. This system used to be her sytem, by the way. Today was by far the worse:

Cindy, My login isn't working.

That's it. No details on what exactly, how she got there, etc. etc. It's one of those days where my tolerance level is really low for people who do the whole "damsel in distress thing."

I logged in. My colleague logged in. No error. I told her to reload the page. No answer. My male college told her to reload the page...she gushes with gratitude. She's a fucking programmer. You'd think she's figure this out on her own. :(

Course, this is the same lady who responded with "Oh great, so she's going to help pathetic women who let themselves get beaten up by their husbands?" when I mentioned that my friend Sarah was going to grad school for Social Work.


Blogger sarah said...

ugh. that's beyond annoying. i'm really sorry. :(

and her comment about me pisses me off all over again.

Monday, August 14, 2006  
Blogger cchang said...

Hmm, maybe I shouldn't have written it... :( YA know, I'm not the one in school for Social Work, but every once in a while it pisses ME off too.

Monday, August 14, 2006  
Blogger sarah said...

no, it's okay that you wrote it. she was the one who said it, not you. even regardless of how it relates to my profession, it's a really horrible, thoughtless, presumptive, ignorant (i could go on...) thing to say in general.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006  

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