Thursday, April 13, 2006

Why no one would ever have a foot fetish with me.

Yeah, this is what my feet look like after ballet class. Yummy yummy. This was only after an hour and a half. Fortuntately no blood except for my 4th toe on my left foot.

Those nice cushy jelly-like toe pad thinggies you put in toe shoes didn't exist when I first went en pointe. Hence, I can't balance if I have them in. Funny eh? Comfort or falling flat on one's face? Sort of a difficult descision. I promise one of these days I'll post a pic of me in a tutu so you can make fun of me.

I'm still debating the podcast site, by the way. I was thinking "Adzuki Stash Podcast" as a name, but I'm not sure. Furthermore, aside from the 3 of you who visit my site semi regularly who else would listen? Heh. Although it would be fun just to have. Maybe by some off chance I might help an unknown musician (*cough*Johnny*cough*) get famous with some web exposure. Who knows. It sure is less painful than ballet though.


Blogger cchang said...

Yeah...fetish personals. That's totally this site (*rolls eyes*)

Thursday, February 08, 2007  

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