Thursday, August 30, 2007

Not a good day

I just opened an already open bag of pecans from the bottom end and spilled all the contents onto my lap...and the floor. Sigh.

Ya know. It's just one of those days.

On a somewhat related note, I keep drawing these two cards:

Which oddly in combination means an end to bad and destructive habits. If that means I'll stop re-opening bags of pecans upside down, that'll be a good start.

I think Sammi says the Tower cards freaks her out whenever she sees it in people's readings because it basically means shit hits the fan, death, destruction and all, but I'm actually rather fond of the Tower card since I tend to rebuild myself into something better whenever I have a meltdown.

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Blogger Mentok said...

Hey, sorry you're still feeling glum. I hope the "chocolates" helped a bit.

Which reminds me... it didn't occur to me until long after I sent the Facebook request and the "chocolates" that you may never have encountered my real name before, and that therefore it may have looked like some random guy was requesting friend status. You figured that out, then, did you?

Thursday, August 30, 2007  
Blogger cchang said...

Ya know, somehow I thought the name Mr. Hewitt was connected to Pretending Life is a Song...wrong blog person! But, I'm fond of both of you, so that's convenient eh? :) Thanks for the virtual chocolates! You're definitely worthy of friend status.

Thursday, August 30, 2007  
Blogger Mentok said...

Looking back at the CD swap photos, I can see the resemblance and understand the confusion.

Maybe that's what happened to his blog, eh? You know, two identical objects from parallel universes not being able to occupy the same space and what not.

Go ask a Wal-Mart greeter if you don't believe me. ;-)

Thursday, August 30, 2007  
Blogger cchang said...

Well, aside from being middle aged with glasses, I'm not sure how my wires got crossed to be honest when I really think about it. I guess Crash's speaking voice sorta *sounds* like what I expect a Lyle to sound like, if that makes any sense...course I like the parallel universe theory. :)

Thursday, August 30, 2007  
Blogger Mentok said...

Middle aged? I'm 22, I'll have you know! ;-)

Thursday, August 30, 2007  
Blogger Sammi said...

Well, of all the cards it's the most likely to freak me out, that's for sure. But I think that's my own reaction to things falling apart. I know intellectually that destruction leads to creation in the Great Cycle, but I don't like things tumbling down, so it wigs me. I'd never heard about that particular pairing before (Death/Tower) but I like it! Cessation of bad stuffs is always a good thing ;)

Friday, August 31, 2007  

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